Something In U.K And France 2006

<=== This Bro Called Louise ( My 1st Housemate )

Louise was Portuguese and he luv cooking at home , sometime i also taste tht cooking , he also is single now hehe , he just a simple man was working in U.K , until i also miss him .....God Bless u Louise ...

<=== Ths My 'Sifu' At U.K

She called Sherry Ho , same as me is Malaysian , very like 'CHUI SHUI' and luv listen me bullshitting , haha ...High Education she was learn .....( something secret i cannot tell in HERE )

, she figure (Woooo , is BIG[逼爆扭]) ....When she working is smooth like 洪金寶 haha ...

<=== Happy Holiday 2006 ( Eiffel Tower )

<=== Big Eiffel Tower And Small In My Hand @.@-V

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