Is was so sad i need to release my lovely pet going back to jungle , i keep my pet already 5 yrs (minimum) , see it grow everyday bigger and bigger , but in last yrs , he/she mouth was heavy injury coz he always crash the cage ... until his mouth start bleeding like human (woooo )...i dun know it was hurt or or but i was feel painful when he every time 2 do this . i also dun know why he always crash the cage ...i think maybe he need to free or what , i also give medication to try can cure or not ...but cannot T_T
In yesterday night i finally want to let it go back to jungle . i think tht is better to he/she lol , when i arrive the place to release my pet was dun want to walk into jungle , he scare until he skin turn into black colour ....maybe the place is fresh to he/she , but i scare he/she will catch by ppl or get hurt by other so i helping he/she moving into jungle LoL and place he/she on the tree .
<=== Is Heavy LoL
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